Editors 2007

This CD-ROM contains the abstracts of the oral and poster presentations given at AGILE 2007 in Aalborg, Denmark. The abstracts are alphabetically ordered after first author. Since the CD was burned before the final programme was completed, we chose to avoid misunderstandings and therefore have not identified session nor track of the presentations at the conference. We hope you will be able to manage anyway. If you open the file named index.pdx (inside the PDF folder on the CD) in Adobe Reader you can perform searches within all the pdf documents in that folder. For your convenience and in co-operation with Adobe, we have included the most recent versions of Adobe Reader on this CD.


Thomas Bartoschek, Grischa Gundelsweiler and Christoph Brox: GI@School: GI Education and Marketing at High Schools

James K Batcheller, Robert I Dunfey, Femke Reitsma and Bruce M Gittings: Automating geospatial metadata using ESRI’s ArcGIS and Microsoft’s .NET

Itzhak Benenson, Karel Martens and Slava Birfir: Agent-Based Model of Driver Parking BehaviorAs a Tool for Urban Parking Policy Evaluation

Sandro Bimonte, Anne Tchounikine and Maryvonne Miquel: Spatial OLAP: Open Issues and a Web Based Prot

Arnold K. Bregt and Jacqueline C. Meerkerk: Space for geo-information: network for geo-innovation in the Netherlands

Bénédicte Bucher and Sandrine Balley: A generic preprocessing service for more usable geographical data processing services

Watse Castelein and Sytze de Bruin: Transaction costs for assessment of geo-information applications in agri-environmental policy

Elisabeth Chesneau: Improvement of Colour Contrasts in Maps: Application to Risk Maps

Nicholas R. Chrisman: GEOIDE's Research Directions: A Network of Centres of Excellence across Canada

Alexis J. Comber, Peter F. Fisher and Richard A. Wadsworth: User-focused metadata for spatial data, geographical information and data quality assessments

Massimo Craglia, Ioannis Kanellopoulos and Paul Smits: Metadata: where we are now, and where we should be going

Anders Dahlgren and Lars Harrie: Development of a tool for proximity applications

Jean-Christophe Desconnets, Thérèse Libourel, Stéphane Clerc and Bruno Granouillac: Cataloguing for distribution of environmental resources

Laura Díaz, Sergio Costa, Carlos Granell and Michael Gould: Migrating geoprocessing routines to web services for water resource management applications

Leonhard Dietze, Ulrike Nonn and Alexander Zipf: Metadata for 3D City Models Analysis of the Applicability of the ISO 19115 Standard and Possibilities for further Amendments

Andreas Donaubauer, Florian Straub and Matthäus Schiilcher: mdWFS: A Concept of Web-enabling Semantic Transformation

Chaoyang Fang, Hui Lin, Yuanzhi Zhang, Bingli Xu and Ge Chen: The Development Research of a Geographical Information System for Satellite Ocean & Atmosphere Remote Sensing

Theodor Foerster, Jantien Stoter, Barend Köbben and Peter van Oosterom: A Generic Approach to Simplification of Geodata for Mobile Applications

Rolf Gabler-Mieck and Rainer Duttmann: Application of Geovisualisation Techniques in Coastal-zone Management

Yola Georgiadou and Francis Harvey: A Bigger Picture: Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructure Research Perspectives

Antal Guszlev and Ferenc Speiser: Collaborative Curriculum Development in Webmapping

Sören Haubrock, Tobias Wittkopf, Gottfried Grünthal and Doris Dransch: Community-made Earthquake Intensity Maps using Google’s API

Sung-Gheel Jang and Tschangho John Kim: Semantically Interoperable Geospatial Information Processing: A Review and A Canonical Model Approach

Yiannis Kamarianakis, Poulicos Prastacos, Afif Ben Salah, Sadok Schlif and Nissaf Ben Alaya: Risk maps for Leishmaniasis in Central Tunisia

Eva Klien, Daniel Ingo Fitzner and Patrick Maué: Baseline for Registering and Annotating Geodata in a Semantic Web Service Framework

Lassi Lehto: Schema Translations in a Web Service Based SDI

Ilene Mahfoud, Didier Josselin and Bruno Fady: Effect of the aggregation process on the diversity assessment:toward the 'pertinent scale'

Michel Mainguenaud and Christiane Weber: The French SIGMA-Cassini Research GroupThe Agenda for 2005-2008

Eleftherios A. Mandelas, Thomas Hatzichristos and Poulicos Prastacos: A Fuzzy Cellular Automata Based Shell for Modeling Urban Growth – A Pilot Application in Mesogia Area

Ulrik Martensson, Petter Pilesjo and Lisa Galland: A Survey of drop-outs from GIS Distance Learning Courses

Sebastian Matyas: Collaborative Spatial Data Acquisition – A Spatial and Semantic Data Aggregation Approach

Bernd Möller: Could landscape intervisibility be a suitable criterion for location of wind turbines?

Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Las Casas and  Maria Danese: The use of spatial statistics to analyze the periurban belt

Lasse Møller-Jensen and Jens Egler Hansen: Towards a Mobile Tourist Information System: Identifying Zones of Information Relevance

Gustaf Nelhans: Citations within the GI literature – Theoretical works or good examples?

Pascal Neis, L. Dietze and Alexander Zipf: A Web Accessibility Analysis Service based on the OpenLS Route Service

Itzhak Omer: A GIS framework for evaluating the effect of social homogeneity on perceived neighborhoods

Massimo Orciani, Valeria Frazzica, Lorena Colosi, Francesca Galletti and Andrea Cartaro: From the Gregoriano Cadastre to a three-dimensional model of nineteenth-century landscape through the creation of historical spatial data

Frank Ostermann and Sabine Timpf: Modelling Space Appropriation in Public Parks

László Pásztor: Functional soil mapping for identification of NVZs

Trung T. Pham, Marjorie Musy, Daniel Siret and Jacques Teller: Methodology for Integrating and Analyzing Environmental and Urban Data in 3D GIS

Petter Pilesjo, Andrew Skidmore, Andre Kooiman and Ulrik Martensson: GEM: the first GI Erasmus Mundus Masters Course

Fernando Jorge Pires, Victor Lobo and Fernando Bação: Insights on the interpretation of SOM and U-Matrices with an example clustering based in oceanographic data

Tomaž Podobnikar: Characteristics of the positional errors of historical maps

Mª Carmen Ruiz Puente, Inmaculada Fernández Diego, Juan José Ortiz Santa María, Mª Antonia Pérez Hernando and Pablo Fernández de Arróyabe Hernáez: The Development of a New Methodology Based on GIS and Fuzzy Logic to Locate Sustainable Industrial Areas

Hardy Pundt: From Idea toward Ontology

T. Reichenbacher and and O. Swienty: Attention-Guiding Geovisualisation

Maribel Yasmina Santos and Adriano Moreira: Topological Spatial Relations between a Spatially Extended Point and a Line for Predicting Movement in Space

Simon Scheider and Michael May: A Method for Inductive Estimation of Public Transport Traffic using Spatial Network Characteristics

Monika Sester, Guido von Gösseln and Birgit Kieler: Identification and adjustment of corresponding objects in data sets of different origin

Hans Skov-Petersen and Bernhard Snizek: To see or not to see: Assessment of Probabilistic Visibility

Kymo Slager, Arend Ligtenberg, Bauke de Vries and Rob de Waard: Simlandscape: serious gaming in participatory spatial planning

Aidan Slingsby: A Layer-Based Data Model as a Basis for Structuring 3D Geometrical Built-Environment Data with Poorly-Specified heights, in a GIS Context

Patricia Steiner and Gernot Paulus: Dasymetric mapping for public health planning

Marius Thériault, Mario Carrier, Éric Véronneau and Louis Dieumegarde: Innovation Processes in the Manufacturing IndustryModelling Trajectories and Social Networks within GIS

Miguel Torres and Serguei Levachkine: Deriving Semantic Description Using Conceptual Schemas Embedded into a Geographic Context

Jürgen V. Vogt, Pierre Soille, Alfred de Jager, Erika Rimavičiūtė, Wolfgang Mehl, Palle Haastrup, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Jean Dusart, Katalin Bodis, Stéphanie Foisneau and Catharina Bamps: Developing a pan-European Data Base of Drainage Networks and Catchment Boundaries from a 100 Metre DEM

Wies Vullings, Marian de Vries and Laurent de Borman: Dealing with uncertainty in spatial planning

Ben Alexander Wuest and Darka Mioc: Visualization and modeling of traffic congestion in urban environments

Alexander Zamyatin, Pavel Mikhaylov and Pedro Cabral: Spatial Metrics Approach to Land Cover Change Forecasting Using Cellular Automata



Natalia Andrienko and Gennady Andrienko: Scalable Methods for Visual Analysis of Massive Movement Data

Jandirk Bulens, Joep Crompvoets and Marcel Reuvers: The framework of standards for the Dutch SDI

Thorsten Bockmühl and Wolfgang Reinhardt: Performance measurement of process-based quality management for GIS updating processes

Emanuela Caiaffa, Stefano Cardinali, Augusto Screpanti and Edi Valpreda: Scientific knowledge toward local planning: focusing bottlenecks starting from a case study in Molise littoral - Southern Italy (LITTORISK - OCR NOE’ Project)                     

Robert Ekpenyong: A Geographic Information System Based Methodology for High Resolution Poverty Map Production

Mohammed El Bastawesy, Sayed Arafat and Fikry Khalaf: Estimation of water loss from Toshka Lakes using remote sensing and GIS

Marek Ewertowski and Michal Rzeszewski: Changes Of Glacier Extent: Using Gis To Integration Maps, Remote Sensing Material And Field Surveying. Petuaniabukta, Central Spitsbergen Case Study

Ioannis Konstantoulas and Poulicos Prastacos: A Map Matching Algorithm for Car Navigation Systems with GPS Input

Corinne Lampin, Marielle Jappiot, Marlène Long, Denis Morge and Christophe Bouillon: Characterization and mapping of wildland urban interfaces Assessing forest fire risk in South of France

Xing Lin, Bo Yu and Yifang Ban: On Indexing Mechanism in Geographical Information Retrieval Systems

Eva Savina Malinverni: The Transnational Geo-portal Italian-Slovenian of the Cross-Border Park Area

Gernot Paulus, Helene Scheriau and Thomas Piechl: GEOGAMES – A fun-based concept to interest grammar school students in Geoinformation

Anssi Pekkarinen, Lucia Reithmaier and Peter Strobl: Pan-European Forest/Non-Forest Mapping based on Landsat data

Lemonia Ragia and Vladimir Berenzon: Rules Extraction and Representation for Geographic Information Systems

Vaclav Talhofer, Petr Kubicek, Jarmila Brazdilova and Hana Svatonova: Transport of Dangerous Chemical Substances and its Cartographic Visualisation