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Contact Info



PhD Thesis













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Jannick Hoejrup Schmidt

Associate professor, Ph.D., M.Sc.

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Ph.D. Project: Life cycle assessment (LCA) of rapeseed oil and palm oil


Slides from Ph.D. defence 30th of November 2007 (slides in Danish)

Slides from repetition of Ph.D. presentation 11th of December 2007 (slides in English)


The thesis consists of three parts:


Part 1: Summary report


The summary report describes the overall problem of the Ph.D. project, the research outline, summaries of the research articles and the perspectives and recommendations.

Full text (pdf 0.6MB)


Part 2: Article collection (6 scientific articles)


The article collection presents the core of the scientific output of the Ph.D. project. All of the six articles are submitted to scientific journals and therefore full text versions are not available here. The articles can be obtained through the relevant journals when they are published:


Article 1: Shift in the marginal supply of vegetable oil

Jannick H Schmidt and Bo P Weidema

International Journal of LCA, 13 LCA (3) 235-239 (2008): Abstract and full text


Article 2: Methodology for system delimitation in agricultural life cycle assessment

Jannick H Schmidt

International Journal of LCA, Available online: Abstract and full text


Article 3: Development of LCIA characterisation factors for land use impacts on biodiversity

Jannick H Schmidt

Cleaner Journal of Production, Available Online: Abstract and full text


Article 4: LCA of soybean meal

Randi Dalgaard, Jannick H Schmidt, Niels Halberg, Per Christensen, Mikkel Thrane and Walter A Pengue

International Journal of LCA, 13 LCA (3) 240-254 (2008): Abstract and full text


Article 5: Comparative life cycle assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil

Jannick H Schmidt

Currently, the article is accepted for publication in the International Journal of LCA


Article 6: Capacity for environmental governance in the product chains of rapeseed oil and palm oil

Jannick H Schmidt

Currently, the article is under review in Journal of Industrial Ecology


Part 3: Life cycle inventory of rapeseed oil and palm oil


The life cycle inventory report provides and documents the background material for the LCA of rapeseed oil and palm oil, i.e. the scientific article: Comparative life cycle assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil (the article is submitted to International Journal of LCA). This includes the definition of system boundaries, the collected data, the modelling of the investigated system, sensitivity analyses and an evaluation of sensitivity, completeness and consistency. The inventory report has character of an appendix report to the life cycle assessment

Full text (pdf 4.4MB)






You are welcome to contact me for further information












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