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Contact Info



PhD Thesis

Teaching materials












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Jannick Hoejrup Schmidt

Associate professor, Ph.D., M.Sc.

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Scientific articles

Reports and books


Popularized articles

Student reports


Scientific articles


Habib K, Schmidt J H, Christensen P (2013), A historical perspective of Global Warming Potential from Municipal Solid Waste Management. Waste Management 33 (2013) 1926–1933.


Pizzol M, Christensen P, Schmidt J H, Thomsen M (2011), Eco-toxicological impact of “metals” on the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem : a comparison between eight different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 19, No. 6-7, 2011, p. 687–698.


Pizzol M, Christensen P, Schmidt J H, Thomsen M (2011), Impacts of “metals” on human health : a comparison between nine different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 19, No. 6-7, 2011, p. 646-656.


Suh S, Weidema B, Schmidt J H and Reinout H (2010), Generalized Make and Use Framework for Allocation in Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2): 335-353 < DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2010.00235.x>


Weidema B P, J H Schmidt (2010), Avoiding allocation in life cycle assessment revisited. Column for Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):192-195

<DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2010.00236.x>


Prapaspongsa T, Christensen P, Schmidt J H, Thrane M (2010), LCA of comprehensive pig manure management incorporating integrated technology systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1413-1422.


Lund H, Mathiesen B V, Christensen P and Schmidt J H (2010). Energy system analysis of marginal electricity supply in consequential LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15:260-271 < DOI: 10.1007/s11367-010-0164-7>


Schmidt J H (2010). Comparative life cycle assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15:183-197

< DOI: 10.1007/s11367-009-0142-0>


Schmidt J H, Christensen P and Christensen T S (2009). Assessing the land use implications of biodiesel use from an LCA perspective. Journal of Land Use Science Vol. 4, No. 1–2, March 2009, pp 35–52 <DOI: 10.1080/17474230802645790>


Schmidt J H (2008), System delimitation in agricultural consequential LCA, Outline of methodology and illustrative case study of wheat in Denmark. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13 (4) 350-364

<DOI: 10.1007/s11367-008-0016-x>


Weidema B P, Thrane M, Christensen P, Schmidt J, Løkke S (2008), Carbon Footprint. A Catalyst for Life Cycle Assessment? Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 12 Issue 1, Pages 3 – 6 <DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2008.00005.x>


Schmidt J H (2008), Development of LCIA characterisation factors for land use impacts on biodiversity. Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008), pp. 1929-1942

<DOI:  10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.01.004>


Schmidt J and Weidema B P (2008), Shift in the Marginal Supply of Vegetable Oil. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13 LCA (3) 235-239

 <DOI:  10.1065/lca2007.07.351>


Dalgaard R, Schmidt J H, Halberg N, Christensen P, Thrane M and Pengue W A (2008), LCA of soybean meal. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13 LCA (3) 240-254 <DOI: 10.1065/lca2007.06.342>


Schmidt J H, Holm P, Merrild A and Christensen P (2007), Life cycle assessment of the waste hierarchy – A Danish case study on waste paper. Waste Management 27 (2007) 1519-1530 <DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2006.09.004>


Reports and books


Schmidt J H (2010), Challenges relating to data and system delimitation in Life Cycle Assessments of food products. Pp. 83-97 in U Sonnesen, J Berlin and F. Ziegler (eds.): “Environmental assessment and management in the food industry: Life cycle assessment and related approaches”. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition No. 194. ISBN 978-1-84569-552-1.


Reinhard J, Weidema B P, Schmidt J H (2010), Identifying the marginal supply of pulp wood. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark


Schmidt J H and Thrane M (2009), Life cycle assessment of aluminium production in new Alcoa smelter in Greenland. Government of Greenland.


Thrane M and Schmidt J H (2009), 生命周期评价. In: 可持续发展实用工具与案例 : 环境评价卷. / ed. Lone Kørnøv ; Per Christensen ; Eskild Holm Nielsen. Chinese Environmental Science Press


Schmidt J H and Thrane M (2009), 生命周期评价--鲱鱼酱案例研究. In: 可持续发展实用工具与案例 : 环境评价卷. / ed. Lone Kørnøv ; Per Christensen ; Eskild Holm Nielsen. Chinese Environmental Science Press,


Schmidt J H (2008), Life cycle assessment of palm oil at United Plantations Berhad. United Plantations Berhad, Teluk Intan, Malaysia


Schmidt J H (2007), Life assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. Ph.D. thesis, Part 1: Summary report. Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Aalborg


Schmidt J H (2007), Life assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. Ph.D. thesis, Part 2: Article collection. Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Aalborg


Schmidt J H (2007), Life assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. Ph.D. thesis, Part 3: Life cycle inventory of rapeseed oil and palm oil. Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Aalborg


Thrane M and Schmidt J H (2007), Life Cycle Assessment. In: Kørnøv L, Thrane M, Remmen A and Lund H (eds.), Tools for Sustainable Development, pp 204-239, ISBN 978-87-7307-797-9, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Aalborg


Schmidt J H and Thrane M (2007), LCA case study of pickled herring. In: Kørnøv L, Thrane M, Remmen A and Lund H (eds.), Tools for Sustainable Development, pp 241-266, ISBN 978-87-7307-797-9, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Aalborg


Schmidt J (2005), LCA af forsøg med indsamling af ikke-pantbelagt drikkevareemballage af plast og metal i eksisterende glasbeholdere (English: LCA of experiment: Collection of no-deposit beverage packaging of plastics and metal in existing glass containers). R98, Copenhagen


Kromann L, Madsen A S, Schmidt J, Mathiesen B V (2004), Madaffald fra storkøkkener (English: Food waste from commercial kitchens). Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen Nr. 1 2004. Miljøstyrelsen, København


Christensen P, Elsborg K, Kørnøv L, Nielsen E H, Schmidt J og Christensen H S (2003), Udbyttet af VVM - evaluering af VVM i Danmark - Hovedrapport (English: Outcome from EIA – evaluation of EIA in Denmark – Main report). Miljøministeriet, Landsplanafdelingen, København


Kørnøv L, Nielsen E H og Schmidt J (2003), Udbyttet af VVM - evaluering af VVM i Danmark. Delrapport 1 - Erfaring og kompetence i VVM-arbejdet, (English: Outcome from EIA – evaluation of EIA in Denmark – Report 1: Experiences and competences in the EIA work). Miljøministeriet, Landsplanafdelingen, København


Christensen P, Elsborg K, Kørnøv L, Nielsen E H, Schmidt J og Christensen H S (2003), Udbyttet af VVM - evaluering af VVM i Danmark. Bilagsrapport (English: Outcome from EIA – evaluation of EIA in Denmark – Appendixes). Miljøministeriet, Landsplanafdelingen, København


Schmidt J (2002): Matematisk Formelsamling for 3. og 4. semester Civilingeniør, Industri. Differentialligninger og Geometri


Schmidt J (2001): Matematisk Formelsamling for den Teknisk Naturvidenskabelige Basisuddannelse




Detailed LCA of Palm Oil in Malaysia : comparing different practices in United Plantations and with European rapeseed oil. / Schmidt, Jannick Højrup. 2011. Abstract from 3rd Palm Oil Summit - Yield Improvement & Carbon Management, Bali, Indonesia.


Schmidt J H (2009), The FORWAST model - An IO-based model for mass flow analysis, waste flow analysis, and life cycle assessment. Presentation at the Final workshop of the FORWAST project, Copenhagen, 25th November 2009, Available at:


Schmidt J H (2009), Results - Stocks, Waste and Life Cycle Emissions in Scenarios. Presentation at the Final workshop of the FORWAST project, Copenhagen, 25th November 2009, Available at:


Schmidt J H (2009), Limits of the Approach. Presentation at the Final workshop of the FORWAST project, Copenhagen, 25th November 2009, Available at:


Schmidt J H (2009), Life Cycle Assessment of Palm Oil at United Plantations Berhad – Improvement Options and Comparison with European Rapeseed Oil. Paper presented at the: 2009 International Conference on Oil Palm and the Environment 14-15 August 2009, Serdang, Malaysia


Schmidt J H (2009), Making Carbon Footprints by using input-output in a hybrid LCA. Presentation at Joint Actions on Climate Change : 8-10 June 2009, Aalborg, Denmark. Abstract published in: Joint Actions on Climate Change : 8-10 June 2009, Aalborg, Denmark. Institut for samfundsudvikling og planlægning, Aalborg Universitet, 2009. p. 79


Schmidt J H (2007), LCA as a means to assess land use implication of new production priorities. Presentation at the 3rd LaSyS Workshop in Tune, October 25-26, Denmark


Christensen P and Schmidt J H (2006), Life cycle asessment: a fruitful methodology for land use studies. Paper presented at 2nd LaSyS Workshop in Tune, October 25-26, Denmark


Schmidt J, Appelqvist B, Carlsen I, Petersen K and Jensen H (2006), Results and Experiences from Combined LCA and Economical Assessment of New Collection Scheme in the City of Copenhagen. Paper presented at the ISWA 2006 conference in Copenhagen, October 1-4, Denmark


Schmidt J (2004), The importance of system boundaries for LCA on large material flows of vegetable oils. Poster presented at the Fourth World SETAC Congress, 14-18. November, 2004. Portland, Oregon, USA. Text version.


Popularized articles

Schmidt J H (2007), Er biodiesel en god ide? (English: Is biodiesel a good idea?). Miljøsk nr. 45 2007, s. 31-33. Miljøbevægelsen NOAH, København

Schmidt J H (2006), Rundt om affald – LCA. Ren Viden Nr. 3, Oktober 2006, 14. årgang, s. 16-17, Videncenter for Affald, Virum


Christensen P og Schmidt J (2003), Affaldshierarkiet til diskussion – LCA eller Cost/Benefit. Artikel i Ren Viden, nr. 1, årgang 2003, s. 10-11. Også udgivet i LCA-nyt nr. 16, 2003, s. 4-5 og Miljø Horisont nr. 4 - april 2003, årgang 10.


Riisgaard H og Schmidt J (2003): Lomborgs institut slipper for nemt, Debatindlæg i Ingeniøren nr. 36, den 5. september 2003


Riisgaard H og Schmidt J (2003): Utilstrækkelige svar fra Lomborg, Debatindlæg i Ingeniøren nr. 3, den 17. januar 2003


Riisgaard H og Schmidt J (2002): Lomborg blander analysemetoderne, Debatindlæg i Ingeniøren nr. 51, den 20. december 2002. Se Lomborgs og Vigsøs svar: Vi har ikke opfundet analysemetoder i Ingeniøren nr. 1, den 10. januar 2003


Holm P, Merrild A og Schmidt J (2002), Er faktor 4 realistisk? - Livscyklusvurdering af Danmarks papirforbrug, Artikel i Ren Viden, nr. 2, 10. årgang 2002, s. 11. Videncenter for Affald, Virum


Student reports


Holm P, Merrild A og Schmidt J (2002), Miljøvurdering af affaldshierarkiet, 10. semesters afgangsprojekt på civilingeniøruddannelsen i Miljø- og Energiplanlægning, Institut for Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet


Holm P, Merrild A og Schmidt J (2002), Er faktor 4 realistisk? - Livscyklusvurdering af Danmarks papirforbrug, 9. semesters projekt på civilingeniøruddannelsen i Miljø- og Energiplanlægning, Institut for Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet



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