Lighter stuff, journalism
Green Knowledge and Climate Change
This is the English version of a piece I have written for a special issue of the Danish environmental magazine, Miljøsk for the Copenhagen meeting on climate change, Nov 2009
Fostering a Hybrid Imagination in Nanotechnology Education
This is a short version of a piece, written with Niels Mejlgaard, about our experiences in teaching nanotechnology students in Aalborg, for publication in PRISM, Nov 2009. A longer version that has been submitted to Science as Culture can be found among the articles downloadable on another page of the website
To Foster a Hybrid Imagination: Science and the Humanities in a Commercial Age, in NTM - Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, nr 1, 2008
The Green Salesman, a review of An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore, with Johan Sandström, in the International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, nr 2, 2007
Contributions to Sydsvenska Dagbladet
These are the original English versions of some of the articles that I have published in the Malmö newspaper, Sydsvenska Dagbladet
"Åkarp 2040" (a vision of my hometown when the cars are gone), published in Swedish, July 20, 2006
"Lund is not Harvard" (a comment on Swedish research funding procedures), published in Swedish, July 14, 2006
"A Hybrid Imagination" (a review of two books by the cognitive scientist Peter Gärdenfors), published in Swedish, June 9, 2006
"Lund Joins the Club" (a comment on a scandal at my former university), published in Swedish, March 28, 2006
"Where Has the Swedish Model Gone?" (some political nostalgia), published in Swedish, March 6, 2006
"'Blowin' in the Wind', on Why Denmark Succeeded and Sweden Didn't" (on the culture of wind energy development in Scandinavia) published in Swedish, December 27, 2005
"A Country Without a Soul" (comments on my homeland in the wake of Katrina), published in Swedish, September 3, 2005
"On the Meaning of Boule" (some reflections on the French ball game), published in Swedish, August 8, 2005
"Climate Change is not about Science" (on the politics of climate change skepticism), published in Swedish, July 22, 2005
"Technology as a Religion" (a comment on Swedish technology policy), published in Swedish, April 1, 2005
"Bob Dylan's Sixties" (on the meaning of early Dylan songs), published in Swedish, March 27, 2005
"Lomborg in Hollywood" (a review of Michael Crichton's State of Fear), published in Swedish, January 15, 2005
"A Letter From Nowhere" (a travel report from a visit to William Morris's Kelmscott Manor), published in Swedish, July 17, 2004
"More than Words" (a review of a talk by Richard Rorty in Lund), published in Swedish, June 8, 2004
"When the World Began to Change" (a review of Mark Kurlansky's 1968), published in Swedish, May 21, 2004
"Remember Lysenko" (a discussion of the similarities between Lysenko and Lomborg), published in Swedish, December 19, 2003